Ditch the grind. Want to make Hell Yes your new normal?

Unlock meaningful progress within 2 weeks with the affordable Jumpstart mini-program.

O-Types are curious, dot-connecting mavericks. You might think of yourself as gifted, polymathic, multi-passionate, and/or neurodivergent (like ADD/ADHD). Our superpowers can also be double-edged swords.

Jumpstart blends self-paced work with two 1:1 coaching sessions to quickly unlock common issues like:

  • Clarity and decision-making

  • Burnout and overwhelm

  • Poor fitting life, work or relationships

Scroll down to see what’s included, plus two intro videos, course content, and testimonials!

Hell Yes requires a new vantage point.

Our outlier nature makes it easy for O-Types to lose ourselves.

We can get trapped by overly busy minds, too many ideas, and trying to fit into a world not designed for us.

That makes it easy to assume that the grind is all there is. That happiness is fleeting. That we’ll never truly find where we belong.

The inner shift to self-authorship gives us wings and birds-eye views. It’s the root cause of inner clarity, confidence and joy.


Detailed assessment that you can use to benchmark your progress over time

One hour’s worth of coaching videos and worksheets to make progress on your own

Two :50 minute coaching calls to apply tools and insights to your goals

O-Type-tailored course content: Sense of Self | Fit Quality | Decision-Making | Goals & Progress | Mental Wellness

"I’m a very self-reflective person who has worked with other coaches, and I was surprised at the feelings of growth and freedom I got after just our first coaching session in this program! The combination of the content plus coaching is the perfect 2-handed partner for this experiential journey. The content and tools provided a useful structure and foundation, while the leaps came from the 1:1 coaching. That’s where Jen's magic shines brightest, but also it wouldn’t have been as magical without the groundwork of the content. Highly recommend!" 

- Beth Manning, Transformation Catalyst

Get unstuck. Make your mark.

Self-Authored! is the online course within the Jumpstart program that provides the concepts and tools for O-types to liberate the best version of you… then confidently design your life, career or business to fit. It works in tandem with 1:1 coaching to unlock clarity and progress.

More easily communicate your value to prospective employers, clients or customers

Craft a life or business that you love.

Tighten your focus without FOMO or boredom.

Learn how to replace overwhelm and burnout with more ease and flow.

Create a “possibility space” that guides more authentic decisions

Learn how to silence the inner critic by loving your limits, allowing you to move more boldly

Learn why clarity, focus and goal-setting can be so hard for O-Types, and what to do instead

Learn how to hold your course over the long haul without being (too) dazzled by possibilities

“I took a lot from the course; it was great to pause, think and reflect as I script a new chapter in my life. Most importantly, Jen gets how my mind works. I now feel more comfortable just being me, owning my Hell Yes and taking it to the world. I've already recommended this program to several others.”

- Paul Bishop, serial creative entrepreneur (recent exit)


This intro price is a 50% discount off my normal rates. And I guarantee impact: If you do the work and show up for the calls, but aren’t getting clear value, I’ll keep working with you or refund your money. Your investment can be deducted as a discount from a 1:1 coaching program if you choose to go deeper.

One time

Gain new tools, perspectives and support to design your life & work with clarity and confidence. Designed exclusively for O-Type professionals, ideal for founders and reinventors.

✓ One hour of self-paced videos & worksheets
✓ Two :50 1:1 coaching calls
✓ My notes and recommendations


Hi, I’m Jen! I’m a recovering management consultant with decades of experience in understanding what makes us humans tick, and applying those insights to both strategy and individual coaching.

I’ve also been trained in somatic leadership coaching at the Presence-Based Coaching institute. I learned that these two make a killer combo for clarity of self and decisions.

In this video, I’ll share my story. Can you relate? If so, I’m excited to be your sherpa through the wilderness of becoming the best version of you.

“I never had any names to describe what I do, how I do it, or why. I just knew I was different. The Self-Authored content finally gave me the terminology, concepts, and validation that was missing as I design my next chapter. I felt like I was understood and less alone in this world, and the coaching call gave me the confidence to move forward and adjust as I go…. I'd definitely recommend this program to anyone."

- Michael Lai, Transformation Consultant




Course FAQ

  • I'm a serial reinventor who's been on this journey to self-authorship for the past 15 years, and I figured out what works through a lot of trial and error. Additionally I've:

    • spent 30 years researching human behavior, with applications for both individuals and businesses (attracting and keeping customers and employees)

    • been lay-ordained in Zen Buddhism and trained in somatic leadership coaching, both of which taught me the massive impacts of awareness, presence, and body-based intelligence.

    The principles in this program have been proven by the massive shifts my O-Type Reinventor clients have made through our work together.

  • This one's designed specifically for your fast-thinking, curious, holistic mind, and the common challenges that you face.

    Not only can O-Types struggle to gain clarity because of our curious minds, we're also susceptible to one massive roadblock -- being trapped in 'socialized mind'' from years of fitting into a world not designed for us.

    This program is holistic in nature, addressing the root causes of why you might be stuck, and then fueling the emergence of the best version of you.

  • When you sign up, you can access the link to book your first call. Be sure to give yourself time to complete the course first -- the hour of videos and supplemental worksheets give you essential foundation and tools that we'll use in the coaching call. At the end of our first call, we'll agree on next steps and book your second call, which must be used within 30 days of the first call.

  • First and foremost, it's designed for O-Types: curious connectors who might be gifted, multi-passionate, polymath, and/or some flavor of neurodiversity like ADD/ADHD.

    Your particular reinvention path might vary: you might be looking for a new job or career, or you're looking to leave the corporate nest to start your own show.

    Or, sometimes my clients desperately need a reset. Several of my 1:1 reinvention clients are now on sabbatical: a former serial entrepreneur is now living the van life, and a former pharma exec is living in a commune.

    You never know where this path leads!

  • Fire away! You can email me at jen@begroundbreaking.co.


A short version of what’s available in this Jumpstart mini-program. The full assessment pinpoints key areas for development in the journey to full freedom and self-authorship.


GUARANTEE: If you do the work and show up for the calls, but aren’t getting clear value, I’ll keep working with you or refund your money.

One time

Gain new tools, perspectives and support to design your life & work with clarity and confidence. Designed exclusively for O-Type professionals, ideal for founders and reinventors.

✓ One hour of self-paced videos & worksheets
✓ Two :50 1:1 coaching calls
✓ My notes and recommendations

Self-authorship benefits:


  • Find your passion and make it happen

  • Have a reliable “inner guidance system” for better decisions

  • Freedom from endless “shoulds” and judging self-talk

  • Stop worrying what other people think

  • Enjoy more compatible relationships

  • Decrease overwhelm and burnout


  • Build a career or business without boredom or burnout

  • Liberate your authentic leadership potential

  • Stay focused without being overwhelmed by possibilities

  • Be more decisive, efficient and empathetic

  • Work with more ease and flow

  • Attract your best-fit customers, team and partners

"Doubled my earnings potential..."

"No longer dazzled by all these ideas!..."

"wind in my creative sails..."

"I felt seen and understood for perhaps the first time..."

"I feel more focused, empowered and emotionally stronger..."

"Doubled my earnings potential..." "No longer dazzled by all these ideas!..." "wind in my creative sails..." "I felt seen and understood for perhaps the first time..." "I feel more focused, empowered and emotionally stronger..."


Read what my 1:1 coaching clients have to say…

  • "Empowering."

    "Working with Jen was like wind in my creative and intuitive sails. It felt natural! Each step steered into the next one very thoughtfully and organically. I felt empowered and challenged at every step as we dialed in on what matters to me and what I can do about it. Jen is intentional, fully present, engaged, and is fearless in sharing her feelings and insights. And she's fun! Our sessions never lacked joy or compassion.

    I now have a clearer sense of how I show up day to day. I can ask myself core questions that allow me to look at the world with more confidence and clarity. I don't feel as whiplashed by all the amazing opportunities that pop up each day. I also don't feel as burdened by daily problems. The process is empowering."

    - Russ, Design Director

  • "Life-changing beyond expectations"

    “Jen’s ability to probe beneath the surface is masterful. I learned more about myself than I thought was possible. I felt seen, heard, and understood for perhaps the first time in my life.

    As I learned more about myself through our work together, the pieces of my life started to fall in place. The imposter was unmasked and I discovered the very core of my authenticity.

    I now fully embrace who I am and how I think/learn. Thanks to my work with Jen I have a new bearing for my life path and am learning how to leverage resources. It’s the journey of a lifetime.”

    - Val, Director of Clinical Ops

  • "Helpful for neurodiversity"

    “I feel better equipped to move towards more balance and health and have a reinvigorated passion for disrupting norms and systems.

    For someone that likely leans more towards the non-normative side of the neurodiversity spectrum, it was incredibly helpful to be coached by someone that could see the positives of being and thinking differently. Being able to relate to familiar experiences and situations also allowed for astute observations that helped expedite root-causing of areas where I was stuck and identify opportunities for improvement.”

    - Bryan, Group VP

  • "Doubled my earning potential"

    I'm amazed how Jen helped me figure out how to do the work that really lights me up, on my own terms, and double my earning potential in the process. This process really works!”

    — Jeff, Founder, The Elegant Leap (former Managing Director, Global Insights Firm)

  • "Unapologetically me"

    “I now have a great idea of who I can become again and what lights me up. I am now happier to be unapologetically me, and I am more confident at work. I now have better relationships with people as am more willing to speak up or do things I felt awkward with before.”

    – Tanya, Global CX, Strategy & Operations

  • "Far more valuable and efficient"

    “This inner-development process is far more valuable and efficient than anything I've ever participated in before. It uncovered conviction in my values and went a step beyond by providing me with a practical tool that I now use every day to align my actions with my values.”

    — Operating Partner, VC

  • "Seismic shifts"

    “In short order, Jennifer was able to walk me through a door I never knew existed. The process she uses is hardly difficult, but I certainly didn’t expect the seismic shifts in my thinking, my body or heart. I can authentically say, my confidence is growing. My health is improving. My attitude at work has transformed. And I can hear my own voice without the clutter of shame, should’s, and habitual negative self-talk.”

    – Krystal, co-founder and award-winning creative director

  • "What Jen does is magic."

    "It is impossible to overstate the transformation that has accompanied this program and the work I have done with it and adjacent to it. Not only do I feel like my life has direction, I feel like I have connected to the flow that was always there.

    I’m more certain about my pathway, and excited about my brand and the possibilities. Having Jen as a coach is the fuel to get focused, build and grow the business I want at this stage in my life. What she does is magic.”

    – Beth, CEO, The Henson Group

  • "Increased compassion & confidence"

    “I've re-connected to parts of myself that I love and that had been lost amidst the noise of raising a family and being the primary breadwinner. I now understand my life now through a lens of what has always driven me and that has increased my level of self-compassion, which in turn, has boosted my confidence.”

    - Romina, People & Culture Catalyst