Intentional Life & Business Design for Curious Non-Conformists

You thrive when you have the freedom to explore, envision and create. But instead you struggle… with focus, planning, and just doing the damn thing without boredom or burnout.

You’re constantly dazzled by possibilities, and often would rather be doing (that other thing.) While you may have turned to productivity coaches, they haven’t helped you to live and work in your HELL YES zone over the long haul.

If you’re ready to make meaningful forward progress in life or entrepreneurship, this is the program to help you do that — more efficiently, authentically and impactfully.

What if one single reinvention process empowered you to…

Improve your life

  • intentionally design a life that works for your original mind

  • consistently filter and prioritize all those dazzling ideas

  • show up more authentically, loving your limits and honoring your boundaries

  • reduce burnout and overwhelm by staying in your zone of interest

  • gain more confidence, presence and flow

(and/or) build a more fulfilling business.

  • gain clarity on your ideal business niche that will never bore you

  • bring on the right team members that are both complementary and aligned

  • measurably improve customer attraction and loyalty metrics

  • replace burnout with flow

If this resonates, welcome to the Intentional Design 1:1 coaching program.


The process consists of self-paced content plus 1:1 sessions for either your life or business (or both). We’ll move through a 3-stage process that emerged from my 30 years of transformation strategy experience and somatic leadership coaching. The core program usually takes 3 - 4 months.



You’ll learn to harness the power of your whole-mind intelligence, and unearth the still point within you that never changes. Then we’ll craft your Touchstone™ — an enduring inner compass that guides decisions over the long haul for you and your business.


In this stage we optimize your life and/or business for Hell Yes, and set clear boundaries to take all the Hell Nos off the table. This process removes friction and overwhelm, and provides clear focus without sacrificing freedom and flexibility.


Whether life or business, the same principle applies: the most aligned jobs, relationships, teams, customers and opportunities will gravitate to your vision and confidence. Yes, this is how flow works. Let’s make it happen for you.


If you’re interested in 1:1 coaching, book a no-obligation call. I’d love to meet you.

  • "Empowering."

    "Working with Jen was like wind in my creative and intuitive sails. It felt natural! Each step steered into the next one very thoughtfully and organically. I felt empowered and challenged at every step as we dialed in on what matters to me and what I can do about it. Jen is intentional, fully present, engaged, and is fearless in sharing her feelings and insights. And she's fun! Our sessions never lacked joy or compassion.

    I now have a clearer sense of how I show up day to day. I can ask myself core questions that allow me to look at the world with more confidence and clarity. I don't feel as whiplashed by all the amazing opportunities that pop up each day. I also don't feel as burdened by daily problems. The process is empowering."

    - Russ, Design Director

  • "Life-changing beyond expectations"

    “Jen’s ability to probe beneath the surface is masterful. I learned more about myself than I thought was possible. I felt seen, heard, and understood for perhaps the first time in my life.

    As I learned more about myself through our work together, the pieces of my life started to fall in place. The imposter was unmasked and I discovered the very core of my authenticity.

    I now fully embrace who I am and how I think/learn. Thanks to my work with Jen I have a new bearing for my life path and am learning how to leverage resources. It’s the journey of a lifetime.”

    - Val, Director of Clinical Ops

  • "Helpful for neurodiversity"

    “I feel better equipped to move towards more balance and health and have a reinvigorated passion for disrupting norms and systems.

    For someone that likely leans more towards the non-normative side of the neurodiversity spectrum, it was incredibly helpful to be coached by someone that could see the positives of being and thinking differently. Being able to relate to familiar experiences and situations also allowed for astute observations that helped expedite root-causing of areas where I was stuck and identify opportunities for improvement.”

    - Bryan, Group VP

  • "Doubled my earning potential"

    I'm amazed how Jen helped me figure out how to do the work that really lights me up, on my own terms, and double my earning potential in the process. This process really works!”

    — Jeff, Founder, The Elegant Leap (former Managing Director, Global Insights Firm)

  • "Far more valuable and efficient"

    “This inner-development process is far more valuable and efficient than anything I've ever participated in before. It uncovered conviction in my values and went a step beyond by providing me with a practical tool that I now use every day to align my actions with my values.”

    — Operating Partner, VC

  • "Seismic shifts"

    “In short order, Jennifer was able to walk me through a door I never knew existed. The process she uses is hardly difficult, but I certainly didn’t expect the seismic shifts in my thinking, my body or heart. I can authentically say, my confidence is growing. My health is improving. My attitude at work has transformed. And I can hear my own voice without the clutter of shame, should’s, and habitual negative self-talk.”

    – Krystal, co-founder and award-winning creative director

  • "What Jen does is magic."

    "It is impossible to overstate the transformation that has accompanied this program and the work I have done with it and adjacent to it. Not only do I feel like my life has direction, I feel like I have connected to the flow that was always there.

    I’m more certain about my pathway, and excited about my brand and the possibilities. Having Jen as a coach is the fuel to get focused, build and grow the business I want at this stage in my life. What she does is magic.”

    – Beth, CEO, The Henson Group

  • "Untangled a lifetime of struggle."

    “The clarity I have because of this work is the bedrock of all this momentum. I’m also very conscious of a consistent flow of great energy when I talk with people about my vision, and the ongoing series of uncanny coincidences that keep occurring. Jen helped me untangle not only this particular situation, but a lifetime of struggle. I finally have a filter for prioritizing all these dazzling ideas!” - John, new founder

  • "A less usual path to results"

    “Jen was able to provide a very different perspective to the difficulties I was having in seeing myself and the potential opportunities I had. She helped guide me to selecting and obtaining a new job and supporting me through the whole process and beyond. If you want someone who takes a less usual path to get results, I would strongly recommend Jen."

    - Fiona, Managing Director