The corporate world hasn’t been a good fit for your curious, innovative, dot-connecting mind.


But your strengths and superpowers can also be double-edged swords when it comes to starting a business.


Too many options leads to lack of clarity and direction, but “focus” feels like a choice between boredom and burnout.


Your ability to learn exponentially expands a set of already ample options. But just because you can figure it out, doesn’t mean it’s yours to do.


You’re a status-quo buster, which means you can be too early for the market, or fail to communicate your value in a way that resonates.

“I'm amazed how Jen helped me figure out how to do the work that really lights me up, on my own terms, and double my earning potential in the process. This process really works!”

— Jeff, Founder, The Elegant Leap (former Managing Director, Global Insights Firm)


A proven coaching process that balances structure with emergence, and logic with intuition. I’ll walk with you across the desert of the unknown to find fertile soil for you to grow in… then help you design what’s next with enduring clarity and confidence.


Clarity of action starts with clarity of self. We begin by creating your personal Touchstone, resulting in:

  • A filter for all your dazzling ideas

  • Grounded and powerful presence

  • Relief from shiny-object and imposter syndromes

  • Clear and consistent decision-making and communication of your unique value

Informed by 30 years of human-motivation research, and using your whole-mind intelligence, even those who know themselves well will discover new insights.

By starting with self-clarity, we can then more clearly evaluate your options or create new ones, and start manifesting your new future.


If you choose to proceed to Phase 2, this is all about testing, learning and refining… then clarifying your story for the world.

We’ll also build the strategic foundation for your business.

  • Identify your best-match customer

  • Map your v1 vision, brand & business strategy

  • Define key messages for brand & thought leadership

  • Attract your first paying clients and testimonials

You’ll tap my experience that spans customer insights, consulting, organizational transformation, sustainability, platforms and ecosystems, innovation and new business models, and more.


JEN RICE - “A unicorn coaching unicorns”

Hi, I’m Jen! I’m a recovering management consultant with decades of experience in understanding what makes us humans tick. I’ve also been trained in somatic leadership coaching at the Presence-Based Coaching institute. I discovered that these two in combination make a killer combo for clarity of self and decisions.

I’m an O-Type myself: a curious, dot-connecting non-conformist. In 2019 I sold everything in the US and roamed 14 countries with a camera and a carry-on, learning how to trust my gut and intentionally design my life and work to fit me like a well-tailored suit.

I’m committed to scaling all my hard-earned insights through programs that I wish I’d had access to when I was younger. I’m excited to be your sherpa as you journey towards the most benevolently powerful version of you.

Get the free O-Type Entrepreneur Guide!


… in allowing what wants to be born through you. This starts with knowing what drives you, how you’re wired, and what lights you up. Authenticity plugs you into the source of your power and creativity, and allows your vision to bloom.

… in gravity. Working with, not against, our natural tendencies and styles make work a joy. We tap into the power of flow, like a river easily navigating around rocks, bounded yet unlimited in how far we can go.

….that original minds will change the world. And that’s why I only work with O-Types — curious, holistic thinkers who want to bust the soulless status quo.

Typical practices don’t work for O-Types, so I built my own.

I’ll draw from my O-Type self-integration toolbox to fully tailor your coaching to fit your goals, current capacities, challenges and developmental level. Click for more, and take the free Self-Authored and Whole Mind assessments!


The shift to self-authorship provides the inner freedom and power of authentic leadership.


Our full distributed intelligence is the source of decisive confidence.


The Touchstone is a self-integration tool to activate your own inner clarity, freedom and power.


  • "Life-changing beyond expectations"

    “Jen’s ability to probe beneath the surface is masterful. I learned more about myself than I thought was possible. I felt seen, heard, and understood for perhaps the first time in my life.

    As I learned more about myself through our work together, the pieces of my life started to fall in place. The imposter was unmasked and I discovered the very core of my authenticity.

    I now fully embrace who I am and how I think/learn. Thanks to my work with Jen I have a new bearing for my life path and am learning how to leverage resources. It’s the journey of a lifetime.”

    - Val, Director of Clinical Ops

  • "Helpful for neurodiversity"

    “I feel better equipped to move towards more balance and health and have a reinvigorated passion for disrupting norms and systems.

    For someone that likely leans more towards the non-normative side of the neurodiversity spectrum, it was incredibly helpful to be coached by someone that could see the positives of being and thinking differently. Being able to relate to familiar experiences and situations also allowed for astute observations that helped expedite root-causing of areas where I was stuck and identify opportunities for improvement.”

    - Bryan, Group VP and new founder

  • "The bedrock of momentum"

    “The clarity I have because of this work is the bedrock of all this momentum. Jen helped me untangle not only this particular situation, but a lifetime of struggle. I finally have a filter for prioritizing all these dazzling ideas!”

    — John, New Founder (former Senior Innovation Strategist, Global Tech)

  • "A less usual path to results"

    "Jen was able to provide a very different perspective to the difficulties I was having in seeing myself and the potential opportunities I had. She helped guide me to selecting and obtaining a new job and supporting me through the whole process and beyond. If you want someone who takes a less usual path to get results, I would strongly recommend Jen."

    – Fiona, Managing Director

  • "Doubled my earning potential"

    I'm amazed how Jen helped me figure out how to do the work that really lights me up, on my own terms, and double my earning potential in the process. This process really works!”

    — Jeff, Founder, The Elegant Leap (former Managing Director, Global Insights Firm)

  • "Seismic shifts"

    “In short order, Jennifer was able to walk me through a door I never knew existed. The process she uses is hardly difficult, but I certainly didn’t expect the seismic shifts in my thinking, my body or heart. I can authentically say, my confidence is growing. My health is improving. My attitude at work has transformed. And I can hear my own voice without the clutter of shame, should’s, and habitual negative self-talk.”

    – Krystal, co-founder and award-winning creative director

  • "Far more valuable and efficient"

    “This inner-development process is far more valuable and efficient than anything I've ever participated in before. It uncovered conviction in my values and went a step beyond by providing me with a practical tool that I now use every day to align my actions with my values. Through our work together I was able to re-ground myself in what I care about most. I regained my professional confidence and landed my dream job, whilst establishing boundaries that maintain balance and prevent future burnout. I have now entered my next phase of life grounded and emotionally secure."

    — Operating Partner, VC

  • "What Jen does is magic."

    "It is impossible to overstate the transformation that has accompanied this program and the work I have done with it and adjacent to it. Not only do I feel like my life has direction, I feel like I have connected to the flow that was always there.

    I’m more certain about my pathway, and excited about my brand and the possibilities. Having Jen as a coach is the fuel to get focused, build and grow the business I want at this stage in my life. What she does is magic.”

    – Beth, CEO, The Henson Group

  • "Unapologetically me"

    “I now have a great idea of who I can become again and what lights me up. I am now happier to be unapologetically me, and I am more confident at work. I now have better relationships with people as am more willing to speak up or do things I felt awkward with before.”

    – Tanya, Global CX, Strategy & Operations

  • "Empowering."

    "Working with Jen was like wind in my creative and intuitive sails. It felt natural! Each step steered into the next one very thoughtfully and organically. I felt empowered and challenged at every step as we dialed in on what matters to me and what I can do about it. Jen is intentional, fully present, engaged, and is fearless in sharing her feelings and insights. And she's fun! Our sessions never lacked joy or compassion.

    I now have a clearer sense of how I show up day to day. I can ask myself core questions that allow me to look at the world with more confidence and clarity. I don't feel as whiplashed by all the amazing opportunities that pop up each day. I also don't feel as burdened by daily problems. The process is empowering."

    - Russ, Design Director

  • "Increased compassion & confidence"

    “I've re-connected to parts of myself that I love and that had been lost amidst the noise of raising a family and being the primary breadwinner. I now understand my life now through a lens of what has always driven me and that has increased my level of self-compassion, which in turn, has boosted my confidence.”

    - Romina, People & Culture Catalyst

  • "Acupuncturist of the psyche"

    “Jen is like an intuitive acupuncturist for the psyche, knowing just where and how to apply her needle-like questions and reflections to help me unlock deeper and more authentic self-awareness and light the path forward. I couldn’t be happier with the result of our work together.”

    – Kate, Founder, Contagious Vulnerability